This is a developing page where I upload the latest paintings I do.
Forgive me if there is no pathway or order: time is – arguably – the order of this page. Enjoy!
Like I state across the whole website, you must be aware that:
Galleries include depiction of nudities: these materials might be perceived as inappropriate by some viewers.
This is a nudity warning for (possible) sensitive material.
Leave this section immediately if you might get offended by nudity and / or you are under the age of 18.
It is your responsability to abide by the laws and rules of the Country you live in.
By proceeding into the gallery you explicitly accept your responsability.
For any question, drop me a line at [ franco@francofusari.it ] with the painting’s code.
The painting code is the the six digits that appears on top of each figure and under it as a caption. Comments are equally welcome.
Thanks for your interest!